Awards and Honors


In 2015 I had the honor of being designated IBM Champion for Collaborative Solution (ICS)10906335_848302311900436_1021911658171915043_n

In 2014 I had the honor to be confirmed IBM

Champion for WebSphere

In 2013 I had the honor to be confirmed IBM Champion for WebSphere

In 2012 I had the honor of being designated IBM Champion for WebSphere


In 2013 I was designated IBM DeveloperWorks Contributing Author

What is an IBM Champion ?

An IBM Champion is someone who makes exceptional contributions to the technical community. Contributions can come in a variety of forms, and popular contributions include blogging, speaking at conferences or events, moderating forums, leading user groups, and authoring books or magazines. Educators can also become IBM Champions; for example, academic faculty may become IBM Champions by including IBM products and technologies in course curricula and encouraging students to build skills and expertise in these areas.

An IBM Champion is not an IBMer, IBM Champions share their accomplishments and activities in their public profiles on IBM developerWorks, making it easy for the IT professional community to learn more about them and their contributions, and engage with them.

What is a IBM DeveloperWorks Contributing Author ?

The dW author program bestows participants with author designations that reflect the level of their contributions and activities across the developerWorks community. Achieving a designation from the dW author program:

– Earns you a title that identifies your prestigious achievement and supplements your professional accomplishments.

– Confirms that you have published a body of work that has been recognized for its technical and educational value by industry colleagues.

– Demonstrates your ability and commitment to knowledge sharing on standards-based or emerging technologies, IBM products, or a combination of these areas.

– Promotes your technical breadth and expertise.

– May help establish or enhance your authority in your areas of expertise to a worldwide audience.